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Player Profile【メンバー紹介】
Coaching Staff
Players 選手
11th Grade 2年生
Nickname Miya/Chanmiya  PositionAttack/Middie(A)
Course Foreign Language Course(Gaikokugo Course)
Hobby Flower arrangement
My favorites Music:Kiroro
Food:My moms' home cooked meals
Subject:English , Art , Physical Education , Music
My future goal I haven't decided my future occupation yet, but I want to speak foreign languages!!
【Graduated from Kabanomachi Jr. High】
NicknameRisa/Tori  PositionAttack/Middie
Course Foreign Language Course(Gaikokugo Course)
Hobby Cooking/Eating/Traveling/Listening music
My favorites Music:Pop music
Food:Cheese/Chocolate/Onsen Tamago
My future goal I want to travel around the world in the future. Also, I want to be a teacher, because I like trying new and interesting things. I feel delighted when I share my knowledge with people.
【Graduated from Takasaki Jr. High】
NicknameMai  PositionMiddie
Course Personal Advancement Course I
(Eishin Shingaku Course I
Hobby Listening to music
My favorites Music:Rock
My future goal My future goal is to become a nurse, because I want to help a lot of people. It suits me !
【Graduated from Hokuryo Jr. High(Aomori Prefecure)】
NicknameMomo  PositionMidfielder/Defense
Course Foreign Language Course(Gaikokugo Course)
Hobby Eating food / Playing lacrosse
My favorites Music:American pop
Subject:English, Physical Education
My future goal I want to be a flight attendant, because it's cool and brings happiness to tourists. When I boarded an airplane at the age of eight, I thought that. So now, I have to study English hard. However, it is not worthless because I like English !
【Graduated from Takasaki Jr. High】
NicknameYuppo  PositionAttack/Middie
Course Foreign Language Course(Gaikokugo Course)
Hobby Takeing it easy, and relaxing at home
My favorites Music:Greeeen
Food:Deep fried tofu, Pumpkin
Subject:Math, Chinese
My future goal My dream is to work in the international community, because I want to experience the world.
【Graduated from Okino Jr. High】
NicknameKAE  PositionMidfielder/ Defense
Course Foreign Language Course(Gaikokugo Course)
Hobby Listening to music
My favorites Music:Korean pop
Food:Japanese noodle
My future goal My dream is to be a translator, because I love Korean pop. I also like Korean culture and want to associate with Korean people. I will be become a translator.
【Graduated from Ishinomaki Municipal Sumiyoshi Jr. High 】
NicknameHika  PositionMiddie
Course Special University Preparatory Course
(Tokubetsu Shingaku Course)
Hobby Listening to music
My favorites Music:Japanese pop
Food:Gummy candy
My future goal My future goal is to become a nurse, because I want to help lots of people.
【Graduated from Hukurobara Jr. High】
NicknameKoko  PositionMiddie(D)
Course Special University Preparatory Course
(Tokubetsu Shingaku Course)
Hobby Listening to music
My favorites Music:Japanese pop
Food:All fruit
Subject:Physical Education
My future goal My Future goal is to become a therapist, because I want to save people.
【Graduated from Rokugo Jr. High】
NicknameAyaka  PositionAttack/Goalie
Course Personal Advancement Course I
(Eishin Shingaku Course I
Hobby Dancing
My favorites Music:Miriy
Subject:Physical Education
My future goal My dream is to become a professional dancer, because I love to dance.
【Graduated from Sakamoto Jr. High】
NicknamePon  PositionAttack
Course Special University Preparatory Course
(Tokubetsu Shingaku Course)
Hobby Talking with my friends
My favorites Music:Justin Bieber
Food:Thick Japanese noodles
My future goal My future goal is to live and work in America. I want to experience the lifestyle, such as fashion etc.
【Graduated from Murata Daiichi Jr. High】
NicknameGeorge  PositionManager
Course Special University Preparatory Course
(Tokubetsu Shingaku Course)
Hobby Talking to people
My favorites Music:Children's Songs
Subject:Physical Education
My future goal I want to be a great lacrosse player, but I haven't decided my occupation yet.
【Graduated from Minami Yoshinari Jr. High】
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